План-конспект урока

Post office

3 класс (по УМК Биболетовой М.З.)

Морозова Марина Александровна

Тема урока: «Post office». (слайд 1)

Цели: 1. Ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме «Post office».

            2. Закрепить навыки чтения ( правила чтения букв Aa, Ee и Oo в закрытом и открытом слоге).

            3. Совершенствовать навыки диалогической речи.

Оборудование: магнитофон, аудиозапись к уроку 42, презентация для введения новой лексики по теме «Post office».

                       Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент

T: Good afternoon, children! (P: Good afternoon, teacher!)

T: What date is it today? (P: Today is the first of March).

T: What day is it today? (P: Today is Tuesday).

T: Let’s start our work. Today we shall have a talk about post office.


II. Фонетическая зарядка

Let’s remember the English sounds and words.

T: Бежит водичка: [s], [s], [s].     (P: sister, celebrate, once, second).

T: Собачка показывает зубки: [e], [e], [e].     (P: ten, eleven, letter, pet).

T: Обезьянка вытряхивает пыль из диванчика: [d], [d], [d].   (P: December, day).

T: А сейчас из коврика: [t], [t], [t].     (P: twelve, twenty, September).

T: Обезьянка улыбается: [i:], [i:], [i:].     (P: she, he, see, me).

T: Обезьянка зовёт белочку [ei], [ei], [ei].     (P: name, game, play, skate).

T: Они вместе пошли качаться на качелях: [i:]- [e], [ei]-[æ], [   ]-[ ].

Well done, children.

III. Речевая зарядка (слайд 2)

Today we shall play the game “Disagree”. You will listen to my statements and disagree with me. Attention, please.

T: You don’t like to play with a teddy bear. (P: I like to play with a teddy bear.)

T: You can play football. (P: I can’t play football.)

T: Your name is Kate. (P: My name isn’t Kate.)

T: You don’t like puzzles. (P: I like puzzles.)

T: Your brother doesn’t like to play computer games. (P: My brother likes to play computer games.)

T: You have got a sister. (P: I haven’t got a sister.)


IV. Введение и закрепление новой лексики по теме «Почта» (слайд 3-18)

Children, look at the pictures and try to translate the words. Let’s read the words all together. Now answer the questions, please.

  1. What is it? (P: It’s a letter.)
  2. You are right. And what is it? (P: It’s a postcard.)
  3. What colour is the paper? (P: It is blue, white and pink.)
  4. How many stamps can you see in the picture? (P: I can see three stamps.)
  5. How many envelopes can you see in the picture? (P: I can see two envelopes.)
  6. What colour is the English letterbox? (P: It is red.)
  7. What colour is the Russian letterbox? (P: It is blue.)
  8. What is it? (P: It’s a post office.)
  9. Can you see a postman? (P: Yes, I can.)
  10.  What can you see in the poster? (P: I can see flowers.)
  11.  What can you see on the envelope? (P: It’s an address.)

Thank you, well done. I can see you are tired.

V. Физкультминутка (слайд 19)

Stand up, please and do our exercises.

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on hips! Sit down!

Hands up! To the sides!

Bend left! Bend right!

One, two, three…Hop!

One, two, three…Stop!

Stand still!

VI .Тренировка фонетических навыков. Закрепление правил чтения букв Aa, Ee, Oo (слайд 20-22)

 Children, it’s time to do this exercise. Before you’ll begin the task let’s remember how to read these words (I, II типы чтения). 

Now, try to read aloud words on topic «Post office» (слайд 23).

VII. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

 Now, you are at the Post office, you want to buy an envelope, a stamp and paper. It’s time to act out the dialogues. Don’t forget to be polite.

VIII. Проект (слайд 24-25)

IX. Подведение итогов урок

We had a good lesson today. Did you like it? But now the lesson is over.

     Домашнее задание (слайд 26)

Упр.3,с.49(р.т.), упр.1,с. 77(наиз.)Now the lesson is over. Good-bye boys and girls!

Автор(ы): Морозова Марина Александровна